Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today I celebrate the joyful spirit of my grandchildren, who can make the simple things in life a memorable and happy event. With the promise of s'mores after dinner last night, they anxiously awaited the darkness. Ry prepared by packing a blanket in his basket "to wrap around me while I roast marshmallows". 

They waited with excitement as Daddy and Phil built a fire. And "when it was time", Makenna was off gathering blankets and pillows to create a "camping site" near the fire pit on the patio. And as Makenna started roasting her marshmallow, she realized she needed one more thing......her swim goggles to protect her eyes from smoke. 

While we all laughed in delight at her ingenuity, we also had to admit she was the only one not affected by smoke in her eyes (windy night). Finally after enjoying it all, she curled up on her 'campsite' and fell asleep. 

I woke up with a smile on my face this morning, remembering it all. Thank you, Sweet Pea and Pookabear, and thanks to Mommy and Daddy for doing such a good job raising you to be joyful and creative!